Being a Nigerian comes with a special dose of stress and financial pressure. Adding on the burden of the country's downwards spiralling economy you will be pressured to find a stable source of income, even as a student. However, you do not need to engage in illegal or fishy dealings before making cool money on the internet. As a Nigerian, there are quite a few online freelancing jobs that you can do from the comfort of your home with nothing but your smartphone and internet connection.

Here is a list of the best 10 online freelance jobs that you can do as a Nigerian:

1. Content Writing

This is the process of writing, editing, and publishing content in a digital setup. As a freelance content writer, your content might be in Visual form(videos), Audio(podcasts) or Textual(blog posts, ebooks) and many more.

2. Copywriting

This is one of the most feasible options for freelancers. As a freelance copywriter, you write 'Copy' such as newsletters, advertising copy, emails, e-books, articles, and other types of copy that grabs readers’ attention. Mostly to make their readers take certain actions

3. Digital Marketing

As a freelance digital marketer, you’ll help businesses strengthen their online visibility and lead generation to increase sales through activities, such as search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, and online advertisements.

4. Social Media Management

Social media is a way for businesses to promote their products and services directly to their target audiences(TA). Social media managers help brands develop and execute marketing strategies to improve lead generation. As a social media manager, you can work with several brands at any given time, helping them improve communication methods on various social media platforms. To start your freelancing career as a social media manager, this blog post will be your sweet guide.

5. Voice-over Artistry

They are people who use their voice in radio, television, presentation and other mediums to entertain, narrate, or market products.

6. Editing

Editors play an important role in the editorial process by reviewing and revising written texts to ensure they meet specific guidelines. They check various aspects, such as syntax, punctuation, flow, style, and verify facts. Editorial processes are vital to producing high-quality content.

7. Web Development

Web developers use their advanced programming skills to develop code that determines how websites function. The best freelance jobs typically require professionals with experience in either front-end or back-end web development or both (full-stack development). Front-end web developers concentrate on the design and visual aspects of a website, while back-end specialists focus on the behind-the-scenes components or administrative areas of a website that aren’t visible to users.

8. Graphics Design

You can engage in Graphic Designing as a freelancing job that deals with creating visual content for brands and businesses. As a graphics designer, you can also be employed by companies later when you decide to go full time.

9. Web Design

This set of freelancers helps clients design websites. The role of a web designer might also include revamping existing websites. This industry is ideal for anyone with creative and technical know-how who can create high-quality web pages and other website features.

A business consultant helps clients achieve an in-depth knowledge of certain operational issues. In many cases, the professional plays an active role in solving complex business challenges. Companies typically hire consultants to seek advice on practical ways to improve day-to-day operations or profitability. The consultant may specialize in one or more business areas, such as marketing, finance, or human resources.

Some good platforms for freelancing jobs are Fiverr and Upwork. Some Nigerian SMEs can even hire you per contract based or per design.