Growing an audience online depends on the type of content you create. And as you know, to sell out your products, you need an audience.

The problem is, these things just don’t come easy.

No matter how much you hear, “There’s content around you or there are so many ways to get content ideas.”

You still have that moment where you ask, “What will I post today?”

To solve this, creators have come up with a solution - batch creation, which seems to work well.

But there’s another - repurposing.

This means re-sharing old content or simply sharing old content in new formats. The idea is to retain the relevance of your old content such that it still serves your audience even in its new format.

Repurposing your content is key to managing the content creation process and reducing the number of times you ask “What will I post today?”

So, learn how to repurpose your content for more reach

As you’ve heard severally, repurposing your content is key to managing the content creation process. Not only can you batch create, but you can also repurpose your content to ensure you never run out of what to post.

But how do know what content to repurpose for better reach? Or which content is ideal in its original format?

In this article, we explain how to repurpose your content and tips to help you boost the reach of every content you repurpose.
What is content repurposing?

Repurposing content simply means modifying your content to fit into new formats or platforms. For example, you can publish a blog post and use it as a script for a podcast, turn it into a tweet, or an infographic, or even repost the same content after a long time.

The goal is to increase the visibility and value of your content across all platforms, making it a very strategic content marketing method.

Contrary to popular belief, repurposing content goes beyond simply copying and pasting the same content into a different format and on various platforms.

It also involves adapting your content to fit the interests of various platforms and audiences. That is, if you have an Instagram post you’ll like to repurpose into a LinkedIn post, you should know the tone and style of a LinkedIn article and write with it.

You can’t post Instagram reels on LinkedIn and expect the same engagement. These platforms work differently. Same as all the other platforms you share your content on. Hence, the trick is to write with the platform in mind.
Why should you repurpose content?
1. Save time and effort

It takes a lot of effort and time to produce fresh content. If you can’t batch-create content, you can save time and money by repurposing your old content.  
2. Meet your audience and where they spend their time

While some people enjoy videos, others prefer to read articles or news on social media. Hence, making the same content adaptable for several platforms makes it simpler for a larger audience to find you.
3. Reinforce your message for better sales

According to the marketing “rule of seven,” a potential consumer has to view your message an average of seven times before they decide to act and buy from you. As customers discover you through various platforms, repurposing content strengthens your message, making them more receptive to your message with each repetition.
4. Get more from already published content

Don’t let good, helpful content become lost or ignored over time. By repurposing content, you can keep it current and relevant while bringing back old favorites to the forefront. Even more, your audience has a second chance to view your post or video if they missed it the first time.
Which content should you repurpose?

Here are two major categories of content to repurpose.
1. Evergreen content

Evergreen content is always in demand. It is a crucial subject for your industry that will always be looked up to and that your audience will find genuinely fascinating. It excludes information that is time-related or based on current occurrences. Your efforts could reap the rewards for many years if you create evergreen content.
2. Popular content

Which of your videos and posts receives the most views? Which of your social media postings has the greatest number of shares and comments? Popular pieces are excellent content to repurpose since you can be sure that your audience will find them useful and pertinent.
Tips for repurposing content

    Know what content formats perform better on each platform and re-create your content into such format.

    Write with the platform in mind. Do not copy and paste content from one platform to the other.

    Ensure the core message of your content is not lost during repurposing. In a bid to write for a purpose, you do not want to lose the core message you’re offering.

    Don’t be scared to repost your old content. Your audience does not have the time to go to your very old post.

    Don’t make your old content useless or obsolete. If it performed better before, it can do much better again. Edit it if you have to and post it again.

How to repurpose content

Here’s how to repurpose your content and boost your reach.
1. Turn regular content into guides or ebooks

Is there a subject you frequently discuss online? Maybe during Twitter spaces or IG lives. You can create an ebook or guide from it and sell it on Selar.

For example, you may be a designer, sharing content about your design journey but your audience keeps asking you about how they can get into design or what courses to take. To respond, you host Twitter spaces and IG Live conversations to talk about your design journey and share some resources with them.

Over time, the questions keep coming and you can’t keep up. You can turn everything you’ve shared in those events into a guide or ebook and sell it to them. This way you are not just repurposing content, but also making money from it.
2. Re-share your old videos or posts

Since the majority of creators publish three to four times each week, you want to have a backlog of content to meet demand.

Do not let your old videos go to waste. If it didn’t perform well, you can post it again, on a different platform and another time. This makes the algorithm push your content in the face of a new audience, increasing the possibility of receiving more views.

Also, if you’re scared of showing your audience the same thing twice, know that after your content is consumed, there’s a 90% chance they’ve forgotten about it.


Are we shouting? Yes, we are.
3. Promote blog posts in your newsletter

If you have a blog, another way to gain more traffic is to share your blog posts in your newsletter. This is probably the easiest way to repurpose and distribute your content.

Don’t assume your email list has seen your blog post. As soon as you publish the post, share snippets of it in your newsletter and direct people to come read it and learn. Highlight the core value in the post to spark curiosity in your readers and make them see why they should read it.
4. Select popular social media news for podcast topics

Unlike blogs and movies, Podcasts are easy to access when on the go. One can listen while driving, riding the bus, or working out in the gym.

More so, podcasts are slowly becoming popular today, and you can take advantage of this rising trend to position yourself as an authority in your space.

You can use ongoing social media conversations for a podcast episode, where you can even invite another creator to share their opinion on the topic. The idea is to get the conversation going and cover as many angles of the topic as possible.

This way, while social media is going agog with the topic, you can leverage the trend to increase the views and reach of your podcast.
5. Turn Instagram reels into long-form videos for YouTube

Reposting Instagram Reels and TikTok videos to YouTube Shorts is another underutilized repurposing opportunity.

Review your Instagram Reels and select the ones that have performed well then identify which content can be expanded upon or explored in more detail.

Keep in mind that YouTube’s audience typically expects longer, more in-depth videos compared to the shorter, snappier format of Instagram reels.

Hence, use this opportunity to delve deeper into the topics covered in your reel. Provide more comprehensive explanations, share relevant stories, and showcase step-by-step processes, or different perspectives on the subject matter. This will transform your reel into a more informative, valuable, and engaging long-form video.
6. Convert interviews into expert advice ebooks

People enjoy hearing from professionals! And if you have interviews with experts a lot, you can convert the video into various formats. From podcasts to YouTube videos to Instagram reels, the opportunities are many.

But what’s even rarely mentioned is that you can also convert those interviews into expert advice ebooks, just like we did with The Ultimate Digital Product Manual.

After each interview, you can transcribe each session, edit it and structure it for more clarity. Then include your branding elements to ensure it is consistent with your branding. Don’t forget to contact these experts to let them know you’ll like to turn the sessions into an ebook.

You can also use it as a collaboration opportunity to publish and sell the ebook together. Thereby, making money for yourselves. You can decide if you want your book to be easily downloadable or read online. The best part? You can get this done on Selar.

Overall, this gives your audience various options. Because if they missed the interviews or can’t watch the videos, they can get the ebook. It’s a win-win for everyone.
7. Share statistics as Twitter posts

If you’re aiming for a thought-leadership position online, sharing data can be one of the most effective ways to validate your expertise.

Review your existing content, such as reports, articles, or research papers, to find compelling and relevant statistics. Look for data points that are interesting, surprising, or have the potential to capture your audience’s attention.

Then redesign these statistics and share them on Twitter to spark conversations amongst your target audience. Ensure you make it easily readable and understandable. More importantly, it must be valuable to your audience.

Don’t limit yourself to sharing just one statistic. Identify a series of relevant data and create a content calendar to schedule regular posts. This allows you to consistently provide valuable information to your audience and keep them engaged over time.
8. Use webinar or Livestream content to create online courses

Your webinars, Twitter spaces, and IG lives do not just end there. You can take it a notch higher and even make money from it!

After your webinars, identify the sessions that contain comprehensive and educational content suitable for an online course. These sessions cover a specific topic in-depth or provide a step-by-step guide to solving a problem.

With this, you can outline a course structure based on the content of your webinar or Livestream. Break it down into modules and lessons, ensuring a coherent flow and progression of knowledge. Determine the learning objectives for each module.

Go through each session again for places where you may need to add extra examples or explanations or supplementary materials to help your audience to understand better and include these examples.

Add supporting course materials like quizzes or workbooks and host them on a suitable platform like Selar. You may also issue certificates to your students, to boost the validity of your course. One content = various formats.

To learn more, check this How to Repurpose Your Webinar For More Content.
9. Turn your ebooks into social media content

If you’ve created an ebook. It’s also not left out. You can create content from your ebook for social media and even drive sales to your book.

Here’s how.

Review your ebooks and identify key sections or excerpts that can stand alone as valuable and engaging social media content.

Look for statistics, quotes, tips, or compelling insights that can capture attention and provide value in a concise format.

Next, transform the selected snippets into visually appealing graphics optimized for social media. You can use tools like Canva to create eye-grabbing visuals for your posts, making them easy to read and share.

Finally, adapt your ebook content to suit the various social media formats. For platforms like Twitter, focus on sharing concise snippets with captivating captions. On platforms like Instagram or Facebook, consider creating carousel posts or series to provide more in-depth insights from your ebook.

Every creator has heard that repurposing content is one of the hacks to surviving as a content creator. However, most creators assume that old content cannot be used again, and continue to produce new content.

But rather than just producing more content, your aim should be to maximize it. You can ensure your efforts are successful by using the repurposing content tactics from this post.

And when you need to create a product from repurposing your content, host it on Selar, to ensure easy access by your audience. If people are going to pay money for a product, make it easy for them. You can start by taking the first step, and signing up on Selar.