The world has evolved beyond the normal way of marketing business in the previous years, the world has moved on to digital marketing and that can not be ignored.
In recent years, digital marketing has outclassed other media like Radio, Television and Print media.
It has made it easier for people to connect online.
What exactly is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the process by which a company or brand promotes their products and services through the use of internet on various digital technologies and platforms.
We have different types of digital marketing campaigns such as:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
3. Email marketing.
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Social Media Optimization
6. E-commerce
7. Automation
And others.
Before going fully into Digital marketing, it's necessary that you should study the Pros and Cons of Digital marketing.
In this article, you'll be learning the pros and cons of digital marketing.
Pros Of Digital Marketing
1. Brand development
With digital marketing, it's easier for a brand to become well established in the market. There's high potential to reach more customers within the shortest time possible. It also helps project the image of the brand in simple and effective ways to people easily.
2. Easy to establish
Marketing through digital platforms is easy, if one can follow the necessary instructions. Majority of the platforms are free, and if cost is required, it's usually cheap.
3. Better option for market research analysis
With the various tools available, you can analyse the market and effectively select the target audience based on your services and products. You can segment the market based on interests, age, demographics, religion and lots more.
4. No time barrier
Time is not an issue with digital marketing, so far you have adequate internet connection. It's not restricted by time. You can schedule your activities for any time of the day. A customer can interface with the website or any social media platform at anytime of the day and access the necessary information about products and services, it's even possible to make payments.
5. Fast and timely
The internet can process information in a matter of seconds and give you adequate results. You can reach multiple customers within the shortest time possible.
6. Better customer relationship
Helps to interact with customers directly without any form of third party. You get to know your customers and your customers also get to know you better.
7. Global reach
With millions of users on the internet, you can reach several potential customers without restriction. You can reach the ends of the earth with digital marketing.
8. Ability to reach multiple demographics at the same time.
You can reach several customers from the different locations simultaneously. Digital marketing has made that possible.
9. Has higher potential to reach new customers
You get to interface with new customers every day on the internet.
10. Cost effective
Running digital marketing is at cheaper cost when compared to other means of advertising.
11. Overall increase in sales
Summing up the whole Pros of digital marketing, the eventual result will be more sales.
The Cons of Digital Marketing
1. It consumes time
While interacting with many digital marketers, it's very evident that it usually takes a lot of time. To get the needed results, it'll definitely require you spend a lot of time on the digital platforms.
2. Global and relatively high competition
With a global audience, there's also a global competition. You've to compete with others offering the same services and products such as yours.
3. It takes time to learn
All the skills required in digital marketing takes a lot of time to become fully proficient in it.You might also need to combine a lot of digital skills to beat your competitors.
4. Complaints and feedback issues
Customers who are not satisfied with the service or product might give some feedbacks which is detrimental to the image of the company or brand. As many customers will be able to have acesss to it.
Digital Marketing is already well established, it's popular and offers the best returns in sales.
It's the most preferred way of marketing for customers. The advent of COVID-19 also increased the usage of these platforms.
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