5 Media Tips for Retaining Customers and Building a Sustainable Business

After all, the goal of every entrepreneur is to make sales, but what happens next? Do you discard them and hunt for another client?

Customer retention is how well you can keep your customers returning. It's a measure of customer loyalty to your brand and often,  brands make the mistake of not putting any effort to retain their customers and focus mainly on acquiring new ones. Which takes more time and effort, as it should be.

Retaining your customers makes it easier for you to get more sales and even get better with your brand. It improves your brand perception.

Like one famous phrase, "If you lose a customer, you lose more than one", that's because transactions with people referred by someone who trusts in the ability of the brand seem to be the fastest and less stressful. 

Loyal customers share their experiences with people and it spreads more than you can imagine.

Here are five tips to help you keep your existing customers.

1. Customer Service:

The probability of a customer starting and sticking with any brand is often determined by the customer service of that brand.

Likewise, the chances of a customer remaining loyal to a brand are tied to the customer care service.

Businesses often get on the losing side because their customer service is bad. Interaction, delivery, appreciation, and all manners of customer care count.

Customer service starts from when they get connected with you and it shouldn't end even after they get your products.

Follow up on your customers, it does something to them.

2. Build Customer Expectations:

"Assumption is the beginning of failure."

To know how best to satisfy your customers, you must know what they want and to know what they want, there must be some level of survey.

Get their feedback to see where you can meet their needs more and what you need to do. Evaluation.

Doing this makes them see that you have their best interest at heart and you want to satisfy them. Hence they begin to trust your brand and in turn, it promotes your services.

You can do this by creating surveys or google forms that you can send across to them. 

3. Build A Relationship With Them.

Being humane and relating to your customers off the bench of transactions helps them to get to trust your brand more.

This is one of the mistakes brands make, they are not HUMANE. Let your clients see that you're not just someone or a robot out there to collect their money. 

Build a relationship with them, engage them in conversations on your social media pages, like their pages and get acquainted.

You can also do this by sending newsletters and paying attention to their complaints and questions.

4. Be Valuable.

Posting valuable content that helps them maximize your products or services and tips on usage helps your customers trust your brand more.

For example, let's say you have a bedding store, giving tips on how they can maintain their bedding, what they should use to wash and other educational content helps them to see that you're not just after their money but you want to see them comfortable.

That's your job as an entrepreneur. Make them see you as an authority in your niche.

Keep them up-to-date by providing necessary information about your products and how your brand is getting better to serve them.

5. Reward Loyal Customers.

This is another great way to make your existing customers feel loved and appreciated which in turn keeps them more loyal.

Send thank-you notes to them, give discounts and reward them for being there all time. It makes them feel important. 

Cheers to a beautiful business experience.

We are rooting for you.

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