Content is King! No doubts
Social media, professional work space or any other setting requires content
 Content remains a  powerful tool to arrive at a desired goal.
 Content cannot be left out on any platform as it is the way we communicate with our audience.
 And as such content creators, most especially content writers are in much demand currently in Nigeria.
Who's a content writer?

 In simple terms, a content writer is someone who writes content, one who is responsible for writing thoroughly researched text that are unique.
We have different types of content writers: web content writers, technical writers, ghostwriters, mass media writers.

Web content writers: They produce contents generally on the internet. The content ranges from blogs to company's descriptions, services, product reviews and lots more. This entails the content writer doing a thorough research on the subject and applying the necessary skills to ensure it meet the demands of why the content was written. It also includes researching and adding keywords to ensure that the content generates enough traffic to the website.

Technical writers: These set of content writers write on specific field of study unlike others. The writer is expected to write on a particular field of study, it can be on finance, health, agriculture, science or any other field . In this case, the content writer should be well-versed in the field and has an authority as regards that which is being written.
 The writer is expected to write in a way that'll ensure the readers understand the content. 

 Mass media writers: They specifically write for Media houses, they give report on current events. They're expected to give a well detailed description of events and  happenings. This form of writing is highly professional and the opinions of the content writer does not usually find expression in the contents

Ghost writers: This set of content writers specifically create content on behalf of others who get them paid. Ghostwriters cannot lay claim to their writings.

 Having given an overview of what content writing is, here is a practical guide on how to become a professional content writer Nigeria.
Note the word 'practical' , because these steps have been tried over and over again and it has come out successful. 

1. Gather much knowledge as possible.
 You definitely can't give what you don't have, you can't create content out of the blues, it has to come from an existing knowledge from your head.
 How do you gather knowledge? Basically, by reading although you can also get knowledge from videos, but if you want to be an exceptional content writer you have to be versatile in knowledge most especially through reading.
 The type of knowledge you possess will determine the kind of content you will create. The more you read, the better you are in writing captivating content.

2. Choose a suitable niche.
To choose a niche might actually get you confused at first, because you will not fully comprehend what you would like to write on exactly.
 But, I will recommend that you  explore for sometime and see what really interests you.
 Make sure the niche you choose is attractive and can get you opportunities.
 You can also decide to combine more than one niche together although this is not advisable .
You  can decide to build your niche around, health, news, sports, lifestyle, relationship, politics professional writing, fictions and lots more, there are so many things to write about.
3. Start building your portfolio
 Your portfolio is the evidence that you've been working. It is that which shows that you done something that's credited to you. You need to build your credibility before you start taking jobs, nobody will like to trust you as a content writer if your previous works can not be seen. A portfolio will set you on a scale of growth. Create blog posts, ebooks, research papers etc
 At this stage, many tend to give up because no monetary benefit is attached, but don't do that.
4. Increase your social media presence.
 Social media is a world of endless contents. You have to make your marks. Let your works get more visibility on the social media, let the world see your creativity. Here are some few tips that can help you out on this.
 You can join Facebook groups and communities to post your contents
Setup and optimise your LinkedIn profile
 Get on Quora to answer questions intelligently.
Be consistent with posting your contents
 Let your works be exceptional and unique. You can also go on platforms such as Wattpad , medium to post your contents

5. Create blogposts
You can build a high level of  authority with blogposts around your selected niche
You can decide to write guest posts for blogs or create your own personal blog from the scratch.
 In this case you will use your blogposts to to show your expertise in that specific niche you are trying to gain establishment. Share the links to the blog post on social media platforms and all around with your network 

 6. Freelancing
Fiverr and Upwork are the best freelancing platforms for a content writer as at now. I would recommend it for anyone especially someone who is a beginner. Many might argue that it's not easy for those that are just starting out, but  there still abounds much opportunity for you on these two platforms. It's just that you have to put in much work, you can't just sit down and expect orders to come. Make sure you generate more reviews as soon as possible,  let your customers be satisfied with your works and give them the best you can ever give .

7. Apply for jobs
Apply to companies who are looking for full-time content writers or part-time content writers.
 Keep an eye on opportunities around you, you can always find this on the social media. You can as well reach out to companies that you know might need the service of a content writer, they might employ you on a part-time or full-time scale, depending on their current status. Most companies are actually in need of content writers especially, to grow their band and reach more people to increase their sales

8. Join a suitable community.
 While this is based primarily on choice, in the world of creativity, you might be down at some moment but you need to keep going, you need to get challenged by what your peers are doing and you can also learn about latest developments, strategies and tools that you can use to create better contents, being in a resourceful community will help you out on this.  You'll also discover endless opportunities  that are available for you in the world of writing, you can also participate in writing challenge as organised by various communities, this will definitely enhance your content writing skills

Content writing is a skill that can fetch you much money, if only you are consistent 
Let your content be unique and exceptional. Make sure you offer your best at any given opportunity. You can have a sustainable career as a content writer and it can meet  your basic needs, consistency is just the key. You're on your way to becoming an exceptional content writer.