5 Simple Strategies to Help You Reach Your Media Goals

The main reason for a thriving social media marketing is having a strategy.

Without a strategy, you might be posting on social media platforms just for the sake of posting, with little or no conversion rates. Without understanding what your goals are, who your target audience is, and what they want, it’ll be hard to achieve results on social media.

Whether you want to grow your brand or to become a social media marketer, developing a social media marketing strategy is needed to reach your media goals.

A social media strategy, in other words a social media plan, is the summary  of everything you plan and hope to achieve on your social media profiles. Setting up a well thought-out strategy for your business in terms of its social media presence is highly beneficial.

1. Chatbots

They are a primary digital tool that can communicate with and resolve problems for your customers without the need for any human assistance. A chatbot doesn't require any coding knowledge and can answer customer questions. It can also take orders directly from Facebook Messenger and comments. Again, depending on the structure of your business, a chatbot can be integrated with all the major payment systems.

2. Create an efficient content marketing Strategy

High-quality content should be created, this should be content that is able to answer the questions of your target audience. Quality content has high search rate and it is free.

3. Build your own community of followers and create profiles on the relevant channels.

Interact with and engage your audience. Share engaging posts, not only posts about your products. Create profiles on different social media platforms, based on where your target are most likely going to be found. For example, fashion store can have it's audience on Instagram while, interior decorations can have it's audience on Pinterest. 

4. Use brand advocates and influencers.

Use people who love your brand to help you promote your brand.  Focus most of your efforts on your current customers instead of your new customers. 

You can also create social media guidelines specific to your brand.

You can also host live videos to tell your story to your audience and describe what your product is all about.

Using influencers can also help to increase your brand popularity.

5. Create a content calender 

Have a content calender to know when each content will be posted. It is just a form of scheduling your posts and keeping to time.

9 social media goals

1. Increase brand awareness

2. Drive traffic to your website

3. Generate new leads

4. Grow your revenue

5. Boost brand engagement

6. Build a community around your business

7. Provide social customer service

8. Increase mentions in the press

9. Listen to conversations about your brand

How to create a social media plan step by step

1. Define your starting point.

2. Specify your target group.

3. Analyze your competitors on social media.

4. Set the objectives: SMART goals

i. Specific – sensible, significant, and simple

ii. Measurable – meaningful and motivating

iii. Achievable – agreed and attainable

iv. Relevant – reasonable, realistic, results-based, and resourced

v. Time-bound – time-based, time-limited, and time/cost limited

5. Pick the right communication channels.

6. Think of the best communication lines and content formats for every platform.

7. Put your social media marketing plan to work: designate tasks.

8. Choose the right social media management tool.

9. Organize your content properly.

10. Maximize your reach.

11. Analyze the results and constantly optimize your social media marketing strategy.

12. Set up social media marketing KPIs (key performance indicators) for your brand to measure your ROI (Return on Investment).

KPIs include:

i. Engagementreach

ii. website traffic

iii. Conversion rates 

iv. leads generated

v. revenue generated.

Common pitfalls of a social media strategy

i. Not having a clear goal

ii. Focusing on vanity metrics e.g 

1.the number of followers you have 

2. the number of likes and comments 

3. the number of  shares or retweets

4. Wrong audience

5. Neglecting other marketing channels

6. Not using social media to its full potential

Have you been finding it hard to get desired results in your media journey, be it making sales, visibility, or getting people to hop on things you offer?
Putting structures in place will help you achieve all of these goals you have at heart and that is what this post is to ensure. Putting you an edge ahead.

1. Content Planning

This involves the structure by which your company/brand determines which content you hope to create and sets expectations for how it should be created.

Whatever media goal that has been set has it that planning is involved. As the major quote says, “Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail”. One major hurdle faced is in the aspect of consistency which is a result of no or improper planning. Planning helps to prepare ahead and once that's missing, consistency becomes hard.

Making use of a content calendar is a great way to help in this aspect of achieving media goals.

2. Time Management

This is one of the most common strategies that when ignored leads to an inability to reach goals. Planning and exercising deliberate control of time spent on specific activities make it easy for effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity which in turn leads to reaching goals. Content Planning and Time Management go hand in hand as sticking to plans help to manage time. Also, eradicating some (not too important) things in your to-do list to make your plan feasible enough is one way to mage time. Placing priority on things that are needed.

Making use of reminders and being focused aids time management.

3. Advertising

Most media goals are targeted at making sales and generating leads (Marketing). Advertising in itself is one element of marketing. While marketing is the comprehensive process of speaking to customers about your brand/company, advertising is normally a paid form of approach designed to lead to sales(Goal).

Advertising can either be done by creating Ads on social media or by getting influencers to promote what you're offering either through video, display, native or mobile advertising. You can advertise using platforms like Google Adwords, NG Adverts, Facebook and Nairaland amongst others.

4. Content Marketing

Content Marketing basically involves educating your audience about the big benefits behind whatever you are offering online. It is compelling for your audience to participate or engage in your content when they are gaining valuable information from said content.

Also, bear in mind that the major aim of your online presence is to eventually generate sales or conversion. However, sales can hardly be realized without enough participation of your target audience or prospective customers.

5. Set SMART Goals

Doing all the aforementioned without this might not make any work and that's why it is very important. The SMART goal-setting strategy can't be overemphasized and it's an acronym for:

  • Specific: In all that you do, make sure to set goals that are clear, easy and clarified.
  • Measurable: Your goal should have more metrics to be track it's performance.
  • Achievable: Goals can only be achieved when they are achievable.
  • Realistic: Ask yourself, with all that you're putting into this(time, energy, money) is it possible to achieve your goals?
  • TIME SENSITIVE: Every goal requires a time frame, monthly, quarterly or yearly. Set one.

Putting these strategies in place will definitely help with achieving your media goals. We are rooting for you.

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