Today, you have most likely checked your email. If you haven't, there is also a greater chance that you'd check your email just after reading this or worse case, before the end of today. Emails are a digital means of communication that came up as early as the internet itself.

Here are a few facts that will interest you.

  • About 66% of consumers make a purchase online as a direct result of an email marketing message – Direct Marketing Association
  • There are over 6.32 billion email accounts including yours. This figure is predicted to reach 7.71 billion this year (2021) which is a growth of more than 22% – Radicati Group (2017)
  • 72% of consumers say that email is their favored conduit of communication with companies they do business with.
  • According to MarketingSherpa, 61% say they like to receive promotional emails weekly and 28% want them even more frequently.

Email is alive and kicking. But it is not enough to just send emails. Your emails deserved to be opened and read. Afterwards, your emails should lead to sales and conversions for you.

Now, The sad truth is that many people don’t know how to get results with email marketing.

From writing subject lines, writing body copy, getting specific and telling stories, email marketing may not be easy if you don't do it right. This is why the NELOC Media Academy's comprehensive email marketing e-course shows you how to properly send emails and get the maximum conversions.

There’s no better way to increase your sales today. For #5,000 only, you can register for the NELOC Media Academy's email marketing class here.